Share Your Experience

  • Today, I am 23 years old. Three years ago, a family member was diagnosed with a mental disorder which then led to a depression. Prior to that, I had only heard about these disorders but I had no idea about the destruction and the impact that they could leave on the people suffering from them, or on their families.More
  • I forgot to tell you during my last appointment that I had the best week in my life (early November) and this is since 30 years! It was the most normal and enjoyable one! Thank you for giving me hope and you were totally right: OCD CAN GET BETTER! I was starting to loose hope!More
  • I just wanted to email you quickly to say thanks for your webpage,More
  • My nephew used to be very anxious, aggressive and was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder at MIND.More
  • Without being referred to MIND, I don’t know what I would have done! I had suicidal thoughts, used to hate myself, I was ashamed of myself and had low self-esteem. More
  • At age 18, I suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder that had generated many severe and chronic depressions. At that time, I saw a psychotherapist and started taking medicines. More
  • When I first sought treatment 7 years ago, I did not know what my problem was. I was hearing voices, seeing things, feeling things and could not sleep. More
  • In 1998, when we first sought treatment for our son at MIND, we met with a MIND specialist and at the time, did not know what he had.More
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